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Has life been challenging you lately? If it feels like life is asking you to step up, take on new roles and responsibilities, and do things differently in your life, you might want to take a look at these signs of spiritual growth. They’re sure to provide you with some clarity and help you step outside your comfort zone.Life has its own ways of making us all grow and evolve, whether we go willingly or kicking and screaming. Let’s dive in and discover some more signs so your growth process can be a little easier to “grow through.”

Spiritual growth refers to the process of deepening and expanding one’s spiritual awareness, understanding, and connection. It involves evolving in one’s beliefs, values, and perspectives, and experiencing personal transformation on an inner, spiritual level.

Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-realization. It’s the biggest inside job you’ll have, and one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever partake in. The more ”grow through,” the more aligned and in sync with yourself you’ll feel, and the more flow you’ll experience in life.

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8 Signs of Spiritual Growth You May Be “Growing Through”

8 Signs of Spiritual Growth

1. Increased Self-Awareness

One of the first signs of spiritual growth often involves becoming more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. You develop a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of thought and behavior.

This self-awareness allows for personal growth and the ability to make conscious choices aligned with your values. It is a crucial aspect of personal growth and can lead to enhanced decision-making, improved relationships, and a greater sense of fulfillment.

With increased awareness, you’ll also begin to observe what triggers you, both internally and externally. By acknowledging these triggers, you can shed light on automatic reactions and coping mechanisms. Understanding these triggers allows you to respond consciously rather than react impulsively, leading to more constructive outcomes.

2. Expanded Perspective

As spiritual growth progresses, you may find your perspective broadening. You become more open to and seek out different ideas, beliefs, and viewpoints. You develop a greater tolerance and acceptance of diversity and recognize the interconnectedness of all beings.

You may begin to question the limited ways you think and challenge yourself to see, think, act, and be outside of your box. Suddenly somehow your quest for wisdom and knowledge grows, as the “old ways” no longer satisfy you.

You may also begin to look deeper into the ideas you only scratched the surface of. As you gradually explore your viewpoints on life, to whatever extent, you further develop your character and understanding of your life. Once you get a taste of what else is out there for you, or within you, you likely want to see what more exists.

3. Deepening Compassion and Empathy

Spiritual growth often leads to an increased capacity for compassion and empathy. This is what it takes to come to terms with your own suffering, battles, and hardships. It’s often when you reach your breaking point that the qualities of compassion and empathy emerge.

When you become more attuned to the suffering in your own life, you’re also able to see it in others and are motivated to alleviate it, as you did for yourself. Your actions and interactions with others are then guided by kindness, love, and understanding because you’ve been through it yourself.

That is one of the benefits of spiritual growth; it starts with you but radiates out to those in your life that you are able to reach. This ignites and inspires their spiritual growth and can be a catalyst for positive and necessary change in their life.

4. Inner Peace and Serenity

As you grow spiritually and come to terms with the hard parts of life, you may experience a greater sense of inner peace and serenity. There is resolve in your affairs and certain life lessons and you can put things to rest that you’ve been dealing with for a long time. You can say you’ve graduated from them!

From there, you are better able to navigate life’s challenges with level-headedness and grace. You develop a sense of trust in the natural flow of life and find solace in the present moment. The inner turmoil that your unresolved issues brought on is settled and turns to peace, like the calm after the storm.

Your desire to escape subsides, your tastes and preferences may even change to reflect this more peaceful inner state of being. The people in your life will shift in and out and even they will feel better around you. Your peace has the power to bring them peace when they are in your company.

Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique, and the signs of spiritual growth can manifest in different ways and at different times for different people. The key is to remain open, curious, and committed to your own personal growth and evolution. And equally important, don’t worry about someone else’s journey either. Take comfort in knowing we all have access to this guidance, and everyone will find their way in their own time.

While challenging, this process of spiritual growth is deeply satisfying and worth all the effort to feel free of the limitation you once experienced in your life. When faced with opportunities to grow, take the plunge and have faith in yourself, and something bigger than you, to see you through to the other side.

5. Heightened Intuition and Inner Guidance

Another sign of spiritual growth often involves developing a stronger connection to your intuition and inner guidance. You become more attuned to your inner voice and instincts, allowing you to make decisions that are aligned with your higher self. This is likely because of the help you cry out for when you hit the breakthrough moments, and the lows that come along the path of spiritual growth.

You may reach a point where you mess things up on your own and seek out a higher perspective to put the pieces back together or see how to make your next move, so you make progress, rather than more of a mess of things. At those vulnerable points, your intuition naturally kicks in and heightens, just as your instincts would in a survival situation.

Your inner guidance is always ready to assist your spiritual growth, but sometimes it takes extreme situations for the stubborn side of you to recognize it and more importantly trust it. But when you do make that connection, it’s rare that it’s ever broken again. It’s one of those things you can’t unknow, nor do you want to live without ever again.

6. Alignment with Values and Authenticity

As you grow spiritually, you become more aligned with your core values and authentic self. You live in accordance with your beliefs and principles, and there is a congruence between your inner world and outer actions. After all the work you’ve done to come home to yourself, you never want to leave again.

It’s incredibly satisfying to figure yourself out, learn what you truly value, and live authentically. You will likely no longer apologize for the way you are because you have learned to fully accept your character and the quirks of your personality.

A benefit of this is that it becomes easier to spot authenticity or inauthenticity in others. You’ll begin to see who is still lying to themselves or who is unclear of themselves as you once were, and you’ll start to resonate more with those who are also living their truth. This is when your inauthentic relationships start to filer themselves out, and where the authentic ones grow stronger.

7. Greater Resilience and Acceptance

Spiritual growth fosters resilience and the ability to embrace life’s challenges with acceptance. You develop the capacity to surrender to what is and find meaning in difficult circumstances. There is an understanding that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning.

It becomes easier to see how the lessons learned in difficult challenges are actually your reward; they make you stronger and wiser going forward. These are gifts to cherish. They even become the reason you start to seek out more ways to grow and challenge yourself.

As your resilience is tested, you become stronger and harder to dissuade. After all you’ve survived and grown and learned from, you become a true warrior in life, one who has earned many virtues in return for the hard work and effort exerted.

8. Deepening Connection with Something Greater

One of the best signs of spiritual growth often involves deepening your connection with something greater than yourself. This can be a higher power, the universe, nature, or your own inner wisdom. You experience a sense of transcendence and interconnectedness with all creation.

Sometimes, the only way to fight battles that seem bigger than you is to call upon a force that is bigger than both you and the problem. This is when most people reach out to the unconditionally loving energy of a higher power, the universe, nature, or their own inner self.

When they don’t, depression settles in, but when they do, they see the light at the end of the tunnel. With that deeper connection, you begin to feel better supported and loved in life. While the challenges don’t necessarily subside, you now have some extra help to face them, and do so with less and less fear and worry.

Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique, and the signs of spiritual growth can manifest in different ways and at different times for different people. The key is to remain open, curious, and committed to your own personal growth and evolution. And equally important, don’t worry about someone else’s journey either. Take comfort in knowing we all have access to this guidance, and everyone will find their way in their own time.

While challenging, this process of spiritual growth is deeply satisfying and worth all the effort to feel free of the limitation you once experienced in your life. When faced with opportunities to grow, take the plunge and have faith in yourself, and something bigger than you, to see you through to the other side.

Take the Next Step...

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